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What records can I obtain from council?


The following information was obtained from the Rockhampton Regional Council Building Records Search Report. Building Works Prior to 1970 Council has no reliable record of permits issued prior to...

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Why do I need to check council records?


I encourage buyers to check council building and plumbing records to ensure that the building has been constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications, as this is usually...

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How do we investigate areas of high risk?


Areas of high moisture should be investigated by way of an invasive inspection. If high moisture is reported then you must have a building expert investigate the moisture and...

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In what conditions to termites thrive?


Termites love moisture. Water leaks, especially in or into the subfloor or against the external walls, increases the likelihood of termite attack. Leaking showers or leaks from other ‘wet...

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How do we protect against termites?


Since foolproof and absolute, certain detection is not possible, the use of protective barriers and regular inspections is a necessary step in protecting timbers from termite attack.