What records can I obtain from council?

The following information was obtained from the Rockhampton Regional Council Building Records Search Report.

Building Works Prior to 1970

Council has no reliable record of permits issued prior to 1970.

Due to the age of the buildings and assuming they have been constructed prior to 1970 no records of inspection dates / inspection results exist.

Where no record of an inspection is detailed it may not be assumed that Council had not carried out any inspection for this project.

Where no records of an inspection result is provided it may not be assumed that the result was not satisfactory.

Should the purchaser have any queries with regard to the building work then the services of a Structural Engineer/Private Certifier/Registered Builder should be obtained.

Permits Issued 1970 to 1992 (inclusive)

Records of permits exist but may not be reliable due to incomplete data.

Council records of inspection dates/inspection results during this time cannot be considered as reliable.

Where no record of an inspection is detailed it may not be assumed that Council had not carried out any inspection for this project.

Where no record of an inspection result is provided it may not be assumed that the result was not satisfactory.

Due to the age of the permit Council will not conduct a final inspection of the building work.

Should the purchaser have any queries with regard to the building work then the services of a Structural Engineer/Private Certifier/Registered Builder should be obtained.

Permits Issued After 1 January 1993

Council records of permits during this time are considered reliable.

Council records of inspection dates/results during this time are considered reliable.

Where a final inspection is not detailed then this matter is outstanding and a requisition exists until rectified.

Where an inspection result is not satisfactory then this remains a requisition until satisfactorily resolved.
